Breakout Sessions & Presenters
inspiHER Gallia 2023
Check out the lines up for this year's presenters at the inspiHER Gallia retreat
taking place March 18th at the University of Rio Grande.

Owner, The Root Sports & Fitness Center,
Certified Yoga Instructor, RYT-500
Tessa Pugh
“Strong Body, Calm Mind”
This informative and interactive session will serve as an introduction to the powerful benefits of yoga, specifically how yoga’s physical and mental components work together to create a harmonious balance between body and mind, resulting in a stronger and calmer self. Participants will learn easy and accessible yoga poses and breathing techniques that can be incorporated into their daily routines.

Pediatrician & Adolescent Medicine
Holzer Health System
Dr. Danielle T. Cappelletti
"Take Charge of Your Health: Establish Healthy Eating Habits"
Making healthy decisions about what you eat and drink, how active you are, and how much sleep you get is a great place to start.
In this session, Dr. Cappelletti will be sharing healthy-eating tips for adolescent girls to help perform and feel their best.

Mentor Miss Ohio USA
Megan (Wise) McAllister
"To Fail or Fly?"
Developing MentalToughness and Resilience
With a strong, resilient mind, we can better manage our thoughts, emotions, and energy when we're faced with stress or challenging situations. In this session, participants will learn strategies to develop mental toughness through positive visualization activities.

Vice President of Marketing,
Patricia Rawlinson Designs
Kari Gibbs
"I AM"
Positive self-talk has a big impact on how we think and feel. When we practice positive self-talk, we are more likely to build confidence and self-esteem, feel more in control of events in our lives, and achieve our goals.
In this interactive session, participants will discover that it is just as important to feed good stuff to your mind as it is to feed good stuff to your body.

Chief Information Officer,
Marshall University
Jodie Penrod
“Leaning In to Leadership”
Empowering leadership in middle school girls helps them to gain the confidence and skills needed to seek leadership roles in their school communities and beyond. This session will encourage young women to assess their leadership capabilities and identify strategies for “leaning in” as a woman leader. Additionally, the session will overview what it means to be a leader and “own” your value in a leadership position.

Broker, Evans-Moore Realty
Former Marshall University Women's Basketball Coach
Sarah Evans-Moore
"Why Not Me?"
Goal-setting is a powerful tool to improve self-confidence and build perseverance. Goals give us something to work toward, purpose to keep us motivated and – with a little luck and a lot of hard work – something to celebrate. In this session, participants will acquire the tools needed to set and achieve SMART goals to help them shape their own future.

Title IV-E Program Coordinator & Diversion Office,
Gallia County Juvenile Court
Anita Moore
"An Attitude of Gratitude"
(Community Service Project)
DESCRIPTION: Gratitude is believed to be one of the healthiest emotions that humans can practice. Being grateful is the kindest gesture that you can show for what you are having and valuing it is the highest form of thoughts. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to use their creativity and participate in a gratitude project that will be designed to give back to the community.

Librarian/Living Skills Instructor
River Valley Middle School
Lisa Richie
"An Attitude of Gratitude"
(Community Service Project)
DESCRIPTION: Gratitude is believed to be one of the healthiest emotions that humans can practice. Being grateful is the kindest gesture that you can show for what you are having and valuing it is the highest form of thoughts. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to use their creativity and participate in a gratitude project that will be designed to give back to the community.

Speech Language Pathologist/Therapy Manager
Holzer Health System
Traci Sisson-Good
"An Attitude of Gratitude"
(Community Service Project)
DESCRIPTION: Gratitude is believed to be one of the healthiest emotions that humans can practice. Being grateful is the kindest gesture that you can show for what you are having and valuing it is the highest form of thoughts. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to use their creativity and participate in a gratitude project that will be designed to give back to the community.

The Amanda Wilson Team
ERA Martin & Associates
Amanda Wilson
“Only YOU can be YOU”
“Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you.” ~ Dr. Seuss. In this session, girls will learn to embrace their unique traits, celebrate the differences in others, and learn how to turn life’s negative moments into positive learning experiences.
No one is you, and that,is your superpower!

Detective, Gallia County Sheriff's Department
Ashlyn Lucas
"Basics of Self-Defense: Unlocking Your Inner Strength"
Self-defense goes beyond kicks and sticks to include body language, confidence, stance, using your voice, and moving to safety. This self-defense training presented in collaboration with the Gallia County Sheriff’s Department will provide participants with a range of choices and opportunities to interrupt harmful situations before they ever would become physical. This session will help girls gain confidence and unlock their inner strength.
Parent Sessions

Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Holzer Health System
Dr. Danielle T. Cappelletti
“How to Give Our Girls Healthy Eating Habits & Keep Them Safe on the Internet”
Talking to teenagers about healthy eating can be difficult. Dr. Cappelletti will be sharing tips and strategies on how to help girls establish healthy relationships with food to prevent starvation diets and eating disorders ~ as well as tips and strategies on keeping your child safe on the internet.

Executive Director,
Gallia-Jackson-Meigs ADAMHS Board
Robin Harris
“Parenting To Build Resilient Youth”
Parenting adolescents in today’s world can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time.
In this session, participants will consider strategies on how to parent with intention rather than parenting out of fearful reactions to the complexities of modern society.