Confidence is one of the most important qualities we can instill in our children. Yet so many of us struggle with self-confidence in our everyday lives.
DID YOU KNOW? Research suggests that girls’ confidence levels take a nosedive as early as age eight?
In their 2018 book “The Confidence Code for Girls,’ authors Katty Kay, JillEllyn Riley and Claire Shipman found that girls’ confidence drops by 30% from ages 8 to 14, with a particularly steep drop beginning at age twelve.
Why the sudden change? Research suggests reasons such as the onset of puberty, the increase of social demands and pressures, and the impact of social media and its' promotion of unattainable standards. These are just a few reasons for the sudden shifts in confidence levels for girls.
During our inspiHER Girls Leadership Retreat in April, we will be hosting interactive workshops on a variety of topics addressing some of the issues young girls face in today's world.
Session topics for our 2022 retreat will focus on LEADERSHIP, CONFIDENCE, RESILIENCE, SELF-CARE, and COMMUNITY SERVICE.
There will also be an interactive workshop on SELF-DEFENSE for all girls attending the event.
Full details of the retreat will be shared soon! So stay tuned!
Visit our website to learn more: www.inspiHERfoundation.com